International Conference
Science and Industry
- challenges and opportunities

4 - 6 June 2024 


Lublin 15 January 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen

  We would like to invite you to participate in the international conference, which is a continuation of the previously organized National Symposium "Science and industry – spectroscopic methods in practice, new challenges and opportunities".
  We all notice the dynamic changes in the world around us, the need for products to be more competitive, to meet a number of quality and formal requirements, economic crises and their huge impact on the area of ​innovation. From this perspective, it is necessary to build a network of cooperation and symbolic bridges that will allow us scientists to develop technologies tailored to the needs of recipients – customers and the specificity of the market. 
  The event, which will indeed be such a cooperation platform for us, organized under the new name "Science and industry - challenges and opportunities", will take place on June 4-6, 2024 in Lublin - Pulawy, Poland and will bring together experts from the areas of exact and natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences and agricultural, who will discuss the latest achievements in their fields.
  The conference will be an opportunity to present scientific achievements, research and implementation achievements carried out in your home institutions and to talk about the effective transfer of knowledge generated in research centers to economic practice. The event is organized by the Institute of Chemical Sciences of Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin (UMCS), the Polish Chemical Society and the Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute.

We cordially invite you to participate!

Yours faithfully, on behalf of the Organizing Committee
Professor Ph.D. Zbigniew Hubicki

Scope of the conference/
Scientific Sections 

The aim of the Symposium is to exchange mutual experiences,
innovative developments and solutions and to enhance knowledge 
related to the areas of: 

- exact and natural sciences
- engineering and technology
- medical and health sciences
- agricultural sciences

Organizing Committee  

Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Hubicki (UMCS)
PhD chairman

Prof. dr hab.  Dorota Kołodyńska (UMCS)
PhD deputy chairman

Prof.  Monika Wawrzkiewicz (UMCS)

Mgr Marzena Gęca (UMCS)
Mgr Emil Zięba (KUL)
Dr hab. Marcin Konkol (Łukasiewicz - INS)

Mgr Magdalena Woźniakowska (Łukasiewicz - INS)
Dr Katarzyna Tyśkiewicz (Łukasiewicz-INS)

Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin
Faculty of Chemistry UMCS in Lublin, Institute of Chemical Sciences
Łukasiewicz - INS in Pulawy
Polish Chemical Society

Location and venue

The conference will be held in the building of the Institute of Computer Science, UMCS, 9 Akademicka Street, 1st floor, room D105, entrance to the building from M. Curie-Skłodowska Square 2, between the buildings of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science.

City of Lublin

Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin


Regular participant/ Student / PhD Student: 1476 PLN (1200 PLN + VAT)

The conference fee includes the cost of participation, conference materials, articles publication in conference monograph, a conference dinner, conference excursion, accompanying events, as well as coffee breaks and lunches. It does not include accommodation but a special discount has been negotiated for the participants staying in the conference hotel (please see “Accommodation ” section). 

Polish participants:   Stawka VAT na usługi konferencyjne wynosi 23%, jednakże w przypadku, gdy udział opłacany jest w co najmniej 70% ze środków publicznych, możliwe jest zwolnienie z podatku VAT. Warunkiem skorzystania ze zwolnienia z podatku VAT jest przesłanie niezwłocznie po dokonaniu płatności oświadczenia o finansowaniu udziału w konferencji ze środków publicznych, podpisanego przez osoby upoważnione do zaciągania
zobowiązań na rzecz danej instytucji w formie elektronicznej na adres: 

Oświadczenie dla celów podatku VAT: POBIERZ
Oryginał oświadczenia prosimy następnie przesłać pocztą tradycyjną na adres:
Marzena Gęca
Wydział Chemii UMCS
Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 2/47
20-031 Lublin

Accompanying person: 1000 PLN 

The conferrence fee includes the cost of conference dinner, conference excursion, accompanying events, as well as coffee breaks and lunches.

Deadline for registration 29.03.2024
Deadline for articles submission 29.03.2024
Payment deadline 19.04.2024

Correrspondence address:
„Science and Industry”
Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej
Instytut Nauk Chemicznych
Wydział Chemii UMCS
Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 2
20-031 Lublin, POLAND 
Current information can be found by phone:
tel.: +48 81 537 57 38 lub +48 81 537 57 70
The conference fee should be paid to the following account: 
Account number: PL 11 1600 1462 1024 7674 0000 0008
Owner address: ul. Freta 16, 00-227 Warszawa, Poland
VAT number: PL 525-10-51-977
Bank: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
Bank address: ul. Kasprzaka 2, 01-211 Warszawa
Payee Reference: Science & Industry, Name Surname 
The sender should pay all transfer charges (the remittances should be free of bank charges for the receiver), this guarantees that we will receive your full payment. 

Lectures, Oral presentations, Posters, Articles

Conference language: 

Duration of presentations:
Plenary Presentations: 35 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
Lecture Presentations: 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
Oral Presentations: 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.

Guidelines for Oral Presenters:
Please bring your presentation on USB stick (We can also receive presentations in advance).
A laptop (Windows only) will be available in the conference room.
Please use PowerPoint software (*.ppt or *.pptx)
We kindly ask you to upload and test your presentation in advance, during the break before your session. There will be a technician to assist you.

Guidelines for Poster Presenters: 
Poster Session is scheduled on 4th June 2024 in the building of the the Institute of Computer Science UMCS, ul. Akademicka 9, 20-033 Lublin, Hall 2nd floor. The maximum size of the poster is max. A0 (841×1189) in portrait – NOT landscape. 

Conference participants will have the opportunity to publish the results presented at the conference in the conference monograph "Science and Industry - challenges and opportunities" with no extra charge. Each participant can submit a maximum of two manuscripts for review (with a maximum of 4 typed pages/article). All received manuscripts will undergo the standard review process. Guidelines for the preparation of articles can be found here

Articles should be submitted to:


The organizers recommend the three-star hotel Mercure Lublin Centrum (Al. Raclawickie 12, 20-037 Lublin).

A special discount has been negotiated for the participants of Science & Industry. The discounted offer is limited in time until March 31, 2024. Participants have to make their own arrangements with the hotel using the special booking form. 

Download Mercure Lublin Centrum Hotel reservation form for participants: here

Hotel webpage:

320 PLN / day / single room 
360 PLN / day / double room for two persons
Parking place: 34 PLN / day / car
The price includes VAT and buffet breakfast.


Person Telephone number E-mail
Prof. dr hab. Dorota Kołodyńska +48 81 537 57 70
Prof. Monika Wawrzkiewicz +48 81 537 57 38

Our facebook page

Correspondence address:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Wydział Chemii
Instytut Nauk Chemicznych
Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej
pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 2
20-031 Lublin


Sponsors and Partners

Media patronage

Conferrence Monographs

Nauka i Przemysł 2021

Monografia z Ogólnopolskiego Sympozjum Nauka​ i Przemysł z roku 2021

Nauka i Przemysł 2022

Monografia z Ogólnopolskiego Sympozjum Nauka​ i Przemysł z roku 2022

Nauka i Przemysł 2023

Monografia z Ogólnopolskiego Sympozjum Nauka​ i Przemysł z roku 2023

Science and Industry 2024

Monograph of the 2024 Science and Industry Conferrence